Basic Methodological Considerations on the Digitalisation as Research Topic Choice and Justification on the Research Topic and Rule of Thumbs for a Scientific Title, Keywords and Abstract-Writing, Supported by a Collection of Student Materials

  • Sejla Almadi


There can be research themes that may seem to be odd or alien for the first sight, hence they
can discourage potential authors from further work. For many of our students in 2018, in the
Institute of World Economy, that was digitalisation. However, as a research topic it appears at
three levels: micro, mezzo and macro, and tends to become a grand theory by being a current
transformational process that has expanded on all levels and dimensions that construct our
reality; so it cannot be disregarded. Therefore, the aim of the study was to conceptualise a 4+1-
step technique that help to make a choice on the research topic under or not a given theme and
to justify that choice with the attributes of a good topic; then to explain the rule of thumbs for
giving a scientific title and keywords, and writing an abstract. Finally, as examples it presented
a collection of student materials from the Research Methods course of the Institute.

How to Cite
Almadi, S. (2019). Basic Methodological Considerations on the Digitalisation as Research Topic Choice and Justification on the Research Topic and Rule of Thumbs for a Scientific Title, Keywords and Abstract-Writing, Supported by a Collection of Student Materials. Köz-Gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy, 14(3). Retrieved from